Our gallery page showcases some of the most popular tourist destinations and travel attractions that our customers have enjoyed during their trips with us.


Our gallery page showcases some of the most popular tourist destinations and travel attractions that our customers have enjoyed during their trips with us.

A quaint city with an abundance of breathtaking sights and rich heritage, Malacca is easy to get around on foot or trishaw to explore the many places that make it unique. As the unofficial historic capital of Malaysia, Malacca’s most prominent contribution to the Malaysian cultural landscape is the Baba-Nyonya or Peranakan culture.

馬六甲市有很多歷史古跡,主要集中在市區南部、河口附近。如果花上幾天時間仔細遊覽這些西歐殖民時遺留下來的建築群,定然會大有收穫。 馬六甲的古跡大多集中在市中心的大文加路向南運河沿岸一帶。比如鮮艷奪目的紅色的原總督府和鐘樓。博物館向參觀者展現馬六甲全部興亡史,博物館後面的小山上,有葡萄牙時代的聖地亞哥城堡。登上城堡,馬六甲全城盡收眼底。波瀾不驚的大海,令人遐想起昔日的王朝,風光與歷史在這裡融為一體。 在聖保羅山下的舊城區中漫步,你會感到這個城市是如此靜謐,仿佛被遺忘在舊日時光裏,而自己就像作一次歷史旅行一樣。而河西岸的狹窄的小路兩側,一間間低矮的房屋並肩而立。它們那灰暗的色調,矮矮的身姿與西歐各國式的建築群又形成了十分鮮明的對比。



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Our latest news and updates showcases exciting travel attractions offered by Jack Transportation Agency. We provide regular updates about our transportation services, the latest travel destinations, and other hot news.

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25 Jalan Kota 1/2, Taman Cahaya Kota Puteri, 81750 Masai, Johor, Malaysia.
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